Mechabellum Counter List

This Mechabellum counter list is updated almost daily and is maintained by a high mmr player. You can find Mechabellum counters for each unit separately.


Mechabellum Hound

How to play Hound

The Hound is a chaff unit that specializes in clearing enemy chaff. It's amazing vs any kind of fire since it doesn't die to it and has a technology to clear fire. Late game it's very similar to sledgehammer chaff and early game it is like mustangs and arclights merged together. Early game it's strength is against Arclight starts, while clearing the enemy chaff units, a pack of hounds take quite a ...

Used against

Crawler Crawler
Fang Fang

Countered by

Fire Badger title= Fire Badger
Rhino title= Rhino
Sledgehammer title= Sledgehammer
Scorpion title= Scorpion
Raiden title= Raiden
Tarantula title= Tarantula
Typhoon title= Typhoon
Vulcan title= Vulcan
Wraith title= Wraith

Phantom Ray

Mechabellum Phantom Ray
Phantom Ray

How to play Phantom Ray

The Phantom Ray serves as a frontline for your air army. The Phantom Ray is good damage medium sized units like sledges, steel balls etc. and good vs rapidly shooting units like mustang (because of armor technology). I would only build this unit to brick enemy mustangs by teching the armor technology. This will give a free round and a big problem for your enemy do deal with. After you brick the mu ...

Used against

Fire Badger Fire Badger
Hacker Hacker
Mustang Mustang
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Stormcaller Stormcaller
Typhoon Typhoon
Wraith Wraith

Countered by

Farseer title= Farseer
Marksman title= Marksman
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Raiden title= Raiden


Mechabellum Raiden

How to play Raiden

The Raiden is like a flying Scorpion. It counters all medium units very well and early on struggles against high health targets. It will eventually counter everything once you get some levels and items on it. Try to look for an over commitment of medium sized units from your enemy like sledgehammers, fire badgers, phantom ray, steel balls etc. and get your Raiden going from that point. If they lev ...

Used against

Fire Badger Fire Badger
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Stormcaller Stormcaller

Countered by

Farseer title= Farseer
Marksman title= Marksman
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix


Mechabellum Farseer

How to play Farseer

The Farseer offers a huge power spike mid game, but after that it quickly falls off. It's best on rounds ~3-5. This unit is a bit of do it all, it has okayish chaff clear, it has enough damage to kill sledges and balls and it prevent enemy Wasp plays, is good against Wraith and counters Overlord the turn it comes out. So it protects you from random cheese plays. If you make the mistake of teching ...

Used against

Wasp Wasp
Wraith Wraith
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Steel Ball Steel Ball

Countered by

Fortress title= Fortress
Rhino title= Rhino
War Factory title= War Factory


Mechabellum Tarantula

How to play Tarantula

The Tarantula has a couple of things going for it. It's very tanky and besides clearing chaff very well early game, it deals ok damage against Sledgehammers and Arclights especially. So look to use this unit against a board that is heavy in chaff and in addition to that has arcs or sledges. The tarantula needs to be a frontliner because you need to use the high amount of health to make it worth th ...

Used against

Fang Fang
Crawler Crawler
Mustang Mustang
Wasp Wasp

Countered by

Fortress title= Fortress
Hacker title= Hacker
Marksman title= Marksman
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Rhino title= Rhino
Sabertooth title= Sabertooth
Scorpion title= Scorpion
Sandworm title= Sandworm
Steel Ball title= Steel Ball
War Factory title= War Factory
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller


Mechabellum Sandworm

How to play Sandworm

The best use case for the sandworm is to protect your Wasps with sandstorm against Mustangs and Fortress anti-air. It's also very usable in long range games featuring lots of stormcallers and vulans. You can beacon the worm around and it submerges later in the round to kill the remaining storms. In asymmetrical games you can also go for a lot of worms in the same position and use replicate to cont ...

Used against

Fire Badger Fire Badger
Arclight Arclight
Marksman Marksman
Rhino Rhino
Sabertooth Sabertooth
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Typhoon Typhoon
Vulcan Vulcan
Tarantula Tarantula
Mustang Mustang

Countered by

War Factory title= War Factory
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Overlord title= Overlord
Steel Ball title= Steel Ball
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Rhino title= Rhino

Fire Badger

Mechabellum Fire Badger
Fire Badger

How to play Fire Badger

The Fire Badger is a rare unit that you can only get from the free unit packs. I pick this guy quite often since it's always the best economy of the unit pack. And it's very strong against crawlers since it absolutely demolished them and doesn't require any technologies. Against fangs and mustangs you might need range but I think it's better to use the Fire Badger only against crawlers. Sometimes ...

Used against

Crawler Crawler
Fang Fang
Mustang Mustang

Countered by

Sabertooth title= Sabertooth
Fortress title= Fortress
Hacker title= Hacker
Marksman title= Marksman
Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Rhino title= Rhino
Scorpion title= Scorpion
War Factory title= War Factory


Mechabellum Typhoon

How to play Typhoon

Typhoon is a rare unit you can only get from the free unit packs. It's a bigger version of the Mustang that is fairly tanky. It's like a scorpion that kills chaff instead of big units. Very strong against crawlers, fangs and wasps and like mustang, can deal a lot of damage to bigger things but require items and levels to do so. It doesn't have a range technology available, but it has barrier techn ...

Used against

Crawler Crawler
Fang Fang
Wasp Wasp
Mustang Mustang

Countered by

Fortress title= Fortress
Marksman title= Marksman
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Rhino title= Rhino
Sabertooth title= Sabertooth
Scorpion title= Scorpion
Steel Ball title= Steel Ball
War Factory title= War Factory


Mechabellum Sabertooth

How to play Sabertooth

The Sabertooth is a rare unit you can only get from the free unit packs. Picking this will often get you the most economy value from the unit pack so it's always a solid choice. I would only build more of them if all of these are true: - Enemy has too few chaff or you have crazy chaff clear - Enemy has a decent amount of medium units like balls, sledges, arcs, snipers, etc. - Enemy has 2+ stormc ...

Used against

Arclight Arclight
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Stormcaller Stormcaller
Fire Badger Fire Badger
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer

Countered by

Fortress title= Fortress
Hacker title= Hacker
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Rhino title= Rhino


Mechabellum Scorpion

How to play Scorpion

The Scorpion's best use case is to counter Steel balls. The second best is to counter Sledgehammers, but sometimes in that scenario the enemy has a very easy switch into Overlords and that's usually a very scary situation. The scorpion is also good vs enemy shields/barriers. The key of using Scorpions is to pair them with good chaff clear; Vulcans or mustangs. I find it to be a big mistake to over ...

Used against

Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Arclight Arclight
War Factory War Factory

Countered by

Marksman title= Marksman
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Overlord title= Overlord


Mechabellum Wraith

How to play Wraith

The best use case for the wraith is to clear crawlers since the wraith's damage cant be blocked by other units because it has multiple targets at once. Due to it's short range, it's best used as a very aggressive unit or defender against aggro. All items are really strong on the wraith as it shoots multiple different targets. It doesn't overkill by much so all the damage items are great and it has ...

Used against

Crawler Crawler
Fang Fang
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Wasp Wasp

Countered by

Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Marksman title= Marksman

War Factory

Mechabellum War Factory
War Factory

How to play War Factory

The best use case for the War Factory is to use is as a Missile interceptor device. It's very good at doing so since the intercepting effect doesn't diminish when the round goes on (like with the AM device). You can go shielded fangs to bait out a fire from stormcallers and immediately follow it up with a War Factory to intercept the missiles. It also works against Fortress anti-air barrage which ...

Used against

Arclight Arclight
Marksman Marksman
Rhino Rhino
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Vulcan Vulcan
Stormcaller Stormcaller
Overlord Overlord
Fire Badger Fire Badger
Typhoon Typhoon
Sabertooth Sabertooth

Countered by

Melting Point title= Melting Point
Scorpion title= Scorpion


Mechabellum Phoenix

How to play Phoenix

Phoenixes are a very good harassment unit early game with jump drive. You can flank with them, move them around to positions where there is less anti air. Or to move them to counter cards like summon overlord. I use them to counter different pushes as they can move to different locations where you can immediately connect to big units. You can also use them as long range damage dealers in your back ...

Used against

Arclight Arclight
Overlord Overlord
Rhino Rhino
Stormcaller Stormcaller
Vulcan Vulcan
Typhoon Typhoon
Sabertooth Sabertooth
Fire Badger Fire Badger
Scorpion Scorpion

Countered by

Wasp title= Wasp
Marksman title= Marksman
Mustang title= Mustang
Fang title= Fang
Fortress title= Fortress


Mechabellum Arclight

How to play Arclight

Arclights are very strong against crawlers through out the game. Against fangs they are good early but struggle once the fang shield is teched. So don't build arcs against fangs, only versus crawlers. It's a good idea to pair your arclights with stormcallers, since storms are good versus everything that the arcs are weak to (fangs / fortress / scorpion / marksmen / etc.) With charged shot, they c ...

Used against

Crawler Crawler
Fang Fang
Mustang Mustang
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Fire Badger Fire Badger
Typhoon Typhoon

Countered by

Marksman title= Marksman
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Rhino title= Rhino
Overlord title= Overlord
Fortress title= Fortress
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Wraith title= Wraith
War Factory title= War Factory
Scorpion title= Scorpion
Sabertooth title= Sabertooth


Mechabellum Hacker

How to play Hacker

The hacker is a risky unit that works against very different kinds of boards. It can either steal something relevant from the opponent or it can steal small units all the time that distracts their whole army. It's strong early on against Sledgehammers, Steel Balls, Rhinos, etc. but you need a same level hacker for it to hack reliably. Don't pair the hacker with strong single target damage since th ...

Used against

Steel Ball Steel Ball
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Rhino Rhino
Scorpion Scorpion
Melting Point Melting Point
Fire Badger Fire Badger
Arclight Arclight

Countered by

Overlord title= Overlord
Fortress title= Fortress
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Crawler title= Crawler
Fang title= Fang
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Wraith title= Wraith
War Factory title= War Factory


Mechabellum Sledgehammer

How to play Sledgehammer

The sledgehammer is an early game chaff clear unit that does very well against crawlers and fangs. Throughout the game they are very good versus crawlers but get stuck on shielded fangs for eternity. In the midgame, the role of the sledgehammer is to assist in chaff clear as well as provide a frontline for your bigger units. During this stage of the game the enemy has instant clear for your crawle ...

Used against

Crawler Crawler
Mustang Mustang
Stormcaller Stormcaller

Countered by

Hacker title= Hacker
Fortress title= Fortress
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Overlord title= Overlord
Scorpion title= Scorpion
War Factory title= War Factory
Marksman title= Marksman
Rhino title= Rhino


Mechabellum Stormcaller

How to play Stormcaller

If unopposed, Stormcallers are one of the best units in the game. They melt down all low hp units like fangs and mustangs and they are also great against slow or stationary targets like giants, sledge hammers, marksmen and arc lights. They are also one of the best unit to bring down enemy shields. Thus they counter almost everything. They get heavily countered by the missile interceptor device (an ...

Used against

Arclight Arclight
Fang Fang
Melting Point Melting Point
Vulcan Vulcan
Mustang Mustang
Marksman Marksman
Fortress Fortress
Scorpion Scorpion
Typhoon Typhoon

Countered by

Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Crawler title= Crawler
Sledgehammer title= Sledgehammer
Rhino title= Rhino
War Factory title= War Factory
Sabertooth title= Sabertooth


Mechabellum Overlord

How to play Overlord

The overlord is a backline damage dealer that needs to be protected. Pairing them with Rhinos, Steel Balls or Sledge Hammers is a good idea. The Overlord puts a lot of pressure on the enemy tower and is countered by long range shooters like Phoenix and Marksmen. Because of this it's best used as an aggressive unit and not in a "standard" long range game.

Used against

Rhino Rhino
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Stormcaller Stormcaller
Vulcan Vulcan
Arclight Arclight
Hacker Hacker
Scorpion Scorpion
Fire Badger Fire Badger
Sabertooth Sabertooth
Typhoon Typhoon
War Factory War Factory
Wraith Wraith

Countered by

Marksman title= Marksman
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Mustang title= Mustang
Fortress title= Fortress


Mechabellum Crawler

How to play Crawler

The crawler is the most versatile unit in the game. They are always useful as well placed crawlers will win you early game and packs of crawlers distract enemies in late game for a long time. After the enemy has developed good counters for your crawlers, you can protect most of them by placing tanky units in the line of fire before them. This way enemy Vulcans or what not will lock onto your Sledg ...

Used against

Fang Fang
Hacker Hacker
Marksman Marksman
Melting Point Melting Point
Steel Ball Steel Ball
Stormcaller Stormcaller
Sabertooth Sabertooth
Scorpion Scorpion

Countered by

Arclight title= Arclight
Vulcan title= Vulcan
Rhino title= Rhino
Wraith title= Wraith
Sledgehammer title= Sledgehammer
Fire Badger title= Fire Badger
Typhoon title= Typhoon
Tarantula title= Tarantula


Mechabellum Fang

How to play Fang

Fangs are one of the chaff units in the that distract the opponent. There's also technologies for you to build damage dealing fangs but it's a bad idea. The main value of the fangs as chaff comes from two things; one, the portable shield technology that makes them survive two shots. For it to be useful late game, you need to start setupping your fangs early. Two, the slow movement speed of the fan ...

Used against

Countered by

Crawler title= Crawler
Mustang title= Mustang
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Vulcan title= Vulcan
Typhoon title= Typhoon
Tarantula title= Tarantula

Steel Ball

Mechabellum Steel Ball
Steel Ball

How to play Steel Ball

Steel Balls are quite vulnerable as starting units as they are heavily countered by a free Scorpion unit drop. As a reactionary unit they shine a lot. They can provide a good frontline to your backline damage dealers or even tank for your late crawlers. Use Steel Balls against big single targets like Melting Points, Typhoons, etc. Once they get some levels and items they are pretty much unstoppa ...

Used against

Fortress Fortress
Rhino Rhino
Melting Point Melting Point
Vulcan Vulcan
War Factory War Factory
Fire Badger Fire Badger
Typhoon Typhoon

Countered by

Crawler title= Crawler
Hacker title= Hacker
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Overlord title= Overlord
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Scorpion title= Scorpion


Mechabellum Mustang

How to play Mustang

Mustangs are a solid all-around unit that can be teched to fit many different purposes. You can certainly use them as your army's main damage dealer. Early on they are excellent against fangs and ok against crawlers and provide protection against early air. Later on when they get levels and are equipped with a damage item, they kill everything. Their high speed allows you to deploy them to cover y ...

Used against

Fang Fang
Phoenix Phoenix
Wasp Wasp
Crawler Crawler

Countered by

Arclight title= Arclight
Sledgehammer title= Sledgehammer
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Vulcan title= Vulcan
Fortress title= Fortress
Rhino title= Rhino
Fire Badger title= Fire Badger
Typhoon title= Typhoon
Tarantula title= Tarantula


Mechabellum Wasp

How to play Wasp

Wasps can be played in many different ways depending on the board state and your technology choices. In early game you can use Wasps as a harassment unit with jump drive and mobile beacon. It's very effective if the enemy has holes in his defense. Later on you can add Rhinos or Steel Balls in front of them to power through the defenses or just switch to defensive formation and jump drive the wasp ...

Used against

Marksman Marksman
Phoenix Phoenix
Melting Point Melting Point
Vulcan Vulcan
Overlord Overlord

Countered by

Mustang title= Mustang
Fortress title= Fortress
Fang title= Fang
Wraith title= Wraith
Typhoon title= Typhoon
Tarantula title= Tarantula


Mechabellum Rhino

How to play Rhino

It's and aggressive unit that needs to be played aggressively. I mostly use them for shielding my damage dealers. If you are building crawlers for example and the enemy has a Vulcan, you can drop the rhino in front of the Vulcan to draw the aggro and let the crawlers do the work. Rhinos are also great at taking down enemy towers. To accomplish this, you need to push your opponent from multiple dir ...

Used against

Arclight Arclight
Vulcan Vulcan
Stormcaller Stormcaller
Crawler Crawler
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Fire Badger Fire Badger
Marksman Marksman
Mustang Mustang
Typhoon Typhoon

Countered by

Fortress title= Fortress
Hacker title= Hacker
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Steel Ball title= Steel Ball
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Overlord title= Overlord
War Factory title= War Factory

Melting Point

Mechabellum Melting Point
Melting Point

How to play Melting Point

Used against high health units. This could include enemy giants like Fortress or Vulcan or medium sized units with high levels and items like super heavy armor. Should be your standard response when you see a Fortress, sometimes if you see a War Factory or a Vulcan. Usable against Wraiths and Overlords also. They scale very well into the late game with having the option to go crawler summoning a ...

Used against

Fortress Fortress
Rhino Rhino
Vulcan Vulcan
Wraith Wraith
War Factory War Factory
Scorpion Scorpion
Typhoon Typhoon

Countered by

Steel Ball title= Steel Ball
Crawler title= Crawler
Marksman title= Marksman
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Hacker title= Hacker


Mechabellum Marksman

How to play Marksman

When both players play the start passively and deploy units near their towers, it's going to be a game of who has the biggest range and that's where marksmen shine. Keep in mind it important that they connect their high damage shots to valuable targets. That's why even in late game 4-5 marksmen is enough. It's all about who can handle the small stuff (crawler/fang/whatever) in front faster. If it ...

Used against

Phoenix Phoenix
Overlord Overlord
Vulcan Vulcan
Arclight Arclight
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer

Countered by

Crawler title= Crawler
Fang title= Fang
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Wasp title= Wasp
Fortress title= Fortress
Rhino title= Rhino


Mechabellum Fortress

How to play Fortress

The Fortress is a very versatile giant. It can be teched to deal with a lot of different board states. You can use a few of them, you can level them or you can go wide and mass them with no levels and fang summoning technology. Look to go Fortresses against Sledgehammers, Typhoons, Firebadgers and any other medium units. Very strong against Vulcans because you can shield the inevitable fire and th ...

Used against

Arclight Arclight
Rhino Rhino
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Vulcan Vulcan
Wasp Wasp
Hacker Hacker
Overlord Overlord
Phoenix Phoenix
Typhoon Typhoon
Scorpion Scorpion

Countered by

Crawler title= Crawler
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Overlord title= Overlord
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
Steel Ball title= Steel Ball


Mechabellum Vulcan

How to play Vulcan

The Vulcan is relatively cheap considering it just clears everything small. The success of the Vulcan depends a lot of all the enemy chaff is located or can be pulled in a single position. You can deploy forward fangs in front of the vulcan to draw attention of the enemy chaff to it. Don't use Vulcan against aggression, go Wraith instead. Vulcan is also good vs medium units like Steelballs/Sledges ...

Used against

Crawler Crawler
Fang Fang
Mustang Mustang

Countered by

Fortress title= Fortress
Melting Point title= Melting Point
Overlord title= Overlord
Phoenix title= Phoenix
Rhino title= Rhino
Stormcaller title= Stormcaller
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Written by Surrey

Surrey is known also as the RAT. High mmr player with an interesting playstyle. He makes YouTube-videos regularly and sometimes streams on Twitch

Find Surrey on:

Further reading

Mechabellum Unit Tier List

Mechabellum Unit Tier List

Mechabellum is a fairly balanced game. Every unit has situations where they are the correct choice to buy. Some units…

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Mechabellum Starting Specialist Guide

Mechabellum Starting Specialist Guide

This list is a bit outdated but I have a youtube video about the specialists (27 september 2024). So watch…

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Mechabellum Card Guide

Mechabellum Card Guide

Your general game strategy should always vary depending on what cards you are being offered. Some cards are good in…

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