Mechabellum Wraith Guide
All units Wraith
How to play Wraith
The best use case for the wraith is to clear crawlers since the wraith's damage cant be blocked by other units because it has multiple targets at once.
Due to it's short range, it's best used as a very aggressive unit or defender against aggro.
All items are really strong on the wraith as it shoots multiple different targets. It doesn't overkill by much so all the damage items are great and it has a high hit point pool so all the health items are good as well. If you are using it offensively, the movement speed from haste module is very strong.
If you use the wraith as an aggressive unit, you definitely need the range technology on it pretty fast. Without it, it will walk too forward and die to the counter enemy has setup for it.
Mechabellum Wraith counter
Don't deploy too much aggressive chaff in one place.
Sledgehammers are quite good "chaff" against the wraith early on, since it takes quite a while for it to clear them and the wraiths are often paired with a lot of crawlers against which the sledges shine.
If the enemy techs a very early degenerate beam, go photon boat to counter the effect and kill the wraith.
Aerial spec marksmen are very strong against wraiths and so are melting points and charged shot phoenix.
If they have already teched degenerate beam on it, going aerial spec wasps is a good option, since the range becomes very expensive for them. The wasps will outscale the wraith very hard in the late game.
Wraith Builds
Listed below are all some highlighted Wraith builds.
Surrey's Wraith build

This is a unit that is used against stuff that moves too fast. These technologies will provide the best kit for that. Slow on the enemies and high damage against small + medium units and armor/field maintenance to tank fangs or mustangs. I use degenerate beam later in the game when i have too much chaff for the enemy overlords to be good. Floating artillery array is only if you somehow commit into mass wraith. It doesn't happen very often but it's nice to have. Field maintenance is great if you get a high leveled wraith from the unit drop or want to block early mustangs from doing anything. Range is usually my first tech since I'm the one that's pushing with it and in that situation the wraith doesn't do anything without the range. If you are defending you might not need it.
Wraith Technologies
Listed below are all available technologies for Wraith, their viability and how to use them.
High-Explosive Ammo

Increases splash damage range by 5m, but reduces ATK by 40%

The wraith is already very strong against all chaff units. Against shielded fangs especially the high explosive ammo would be useful but the problem is that you need the range upgrade also. This means the HE is just too expensive to get.
Field Maintenance

Increases HP by 30%, automatically restores 4.5% Max HP per second upon taking damage

Field maintenance offers you very good rounds later in the game because you can get a high level Wraith from the unit drops. It's also solid early against non-aerial spec marksmen and mustangs.
Armor Enhancement

HP is increased by 35% and 60 damage is blocked when attacked. The damage blocking effect increases with the level, and each level blocks additional 60 damage.

The armor for the wraith is very cheap. It's quite good with mass produced Wraith card especially. It's good against mustangs. Field maintenance is generally better since it's stronger with high level wraith which you can get from the free unit drops.
Range Enhancement

Increases attack range by 40m

The range enhancement is quite mandatory for the Wraith. It's almost always my first tech on the Wraiths. It allows you to clear more chaff faster and protects your wraith a bit by allowing it to stay back.
Degenerate Beam

Projects a degenerate beam to enemy ground units within a range of 120m. The affected enemy units' movement speed is reduced by 40%, their attack power is reduced by 30%, and they take an additional 30% damage when attacked.

Although Photon Coating counters this technology, it's still quite good as the effect is INSANE. It's usually not plausible for the enemy to deploy overlords everywhere and if you have enough chaff, him going overlords can be very beneficial since it takes the whole turn.
Floating Artillery Array

WRAITH's movement speed is reduced by 3, but the number of floating cannons is increased from 4 to 8.

A bit expensive. But it will double the damage output of them. It's also a lot better than +100% damage, because it stacks with items and with multiple cannons you have multiple targets. Certainly a worthwhile tech if you have multiple wraiths on board. This technology allows you to heavily commit into Wraith without building higher damage units like overlords or melting points. It's a bit niche use case but serves a good purpose.