Mechabellum Typhoon Guide
All units Typhoon
How to play Typhoon
Typhoon is a rare unit you can only get from the free unit packs.
It's a bigger version of the Mustang that is fairly tanky. It's like a scorpion that kills chaff instead of big units.
Very strong against crawlers, fangs and wasps and like mustang, can deal a lot of damage to bigger things but require items and levels to do so. It doesn't have a range technology available, but it has barrier technology and you need to use it as part of your frontline. With the short range, it's best used as an aggressive unit or defender of aggression.
Mechabellum Typhoon counter
You can block the damage of typhoons with any kind of medium units but the best counters for it are Steel Balls, Fortresses or Scorpions.
I find steel balls to be very good since they are good against the barrier that might be teched and because you can put them in front of your late crawlers so they come to the battle together and the balls are protecting the crawlers.
Hackers would otherwise be good against the typhoons, but they struggle against the barrier sometimes.
Typhoon Builds
Listed below are all some highlighted Typhoon builds.
Surrey's Typhoon build

The Typhoon has quite strong technologies. It's usually correct to the barrier first, unless the enemy is already in steel balls or giants. The typhoon clears chaff very fast and against medium or giant sized units, the homing missiles provide more damage than the mechanical rage.
Typhoon Technologies
Listed below are all available technologies for Typhoon, their viability and how to use them.
Mechanical Rage

Increases the movement speed of units by 4 and increases ATK by 50%

Both the movement speed and damage aspects of this technology is great. Makes the Typhoon a lot better at what it does, since it's best as an aggressive unit. Usually teching homing missiles or barrier first is a better option though.
Aerial Specialization

ATK increases by 90% to aerial units, increases range by 30 when attacking aerial units

It's obviously good vs all air units but its generally used only against Wasps since Wraiths and Overlords are usually too hard to kill with typhoons and Phoenix outrange them by too much.

Generates a large-scale shield that protects all allies within it. Shield HP increases by 11,000 per unit level

Quite a strong tech. Keep in mind there's 2 units in the pack so the total barrier strength is two times the shield HP. You can deploy the Typhoons vertically to get better milage out of the barriers.
Homing Missile

Launches 4 homing missiles every 8s to attack distant enemies. Each missile causes 675 damage (Damage increased 450 per unit level increased). The maximum range is 180m and the minimum range is 60m.

The missiles provide quite a lot more damage for the Typhoons. You can even snipe an open tower with this technology because the range is so high. Best against enemy boards that are medium unit heavy (balls, sledges, etc.)