Mechabellum Card Guide

Your general game strategy should always vary depending on what cards you are being offered. Some cards are good in almost all situations, some cards are seldom good, but all have their place.
You are given a card every round, starting from round 2. Your opponent sees the same choices so it becomes a bit of a mind game. And sometimes it’s correct not to pick the “best” card because your opponent will be expecting you to do so.
One general advice is that skipping the card will grant you 50 supply. Early in the game the supply is extremely important and I skip rounds 2 and 3 most of the time unless I’m being offered a tier S card or a card that will change my whole game plan.
I have given a tier rating an opinion on every card in the game (S,A,B,C,D – S being the best).
Items | Skills | Unit modifications | Specialists
Mechabellum Items
Most of the items in Mechabellum are strong. When a unit is leveled, it gets strong really fast. When you equip a powerful item to a unit, it will level fast. When the unit levels, you get more benefit for the item it has. A vicious cycle.
When you sell a unit that has an item, the item will become available again. This is a key component to using many items like enhancement module or deployment module.
Don't hold items in hand (at least 95% of the time), it's a big tempo loss. At least equip it to a flanker and sell it if you want to switch it over to a giant or what not.

Increases the equipped units HP by 30% and converts 90% of the damage dealt to HP

You already need to have a setup for this item for you to pick it. It's good on melting points (since the suck tech is sometimes an over commitment and having it on one is enough). Overlord is a good target since it deals so much damage that for example Aerial spec mustang have hard time killing it. Typhoon is also a good target and sometimes a high level rhino from the unit drops. It's not good on steel balls in my opinion since on them you want to tech the suck usually and it doesn't stack

The ATK of units equipped with this item is increased by 50%, the HP is increased by 50%

Quite expensive item and it has no clear role since it will buff both HP and ATK. Usually best on units that use both stats effectively like Wraiths, Overlords, Scorpions, Sledgehammers, Wasps, Worms etc.

Units equipped with this item are immune to electromagnetic interference and Hacker's control and immune to the paralysis effect of the core building explosion

Three uses for this item; Counter hackers, get slow immunity in base race situations or become immune to EMP. It's very good if the situation is right, but most of the time completely useless.

Generates a barrier with 60,000 HP to protect nearby units

If a unit drop turn is coming next turn or a giant is a good direction for you it's a must pick. It's basically 100 supply each turn (free shield). The shield is also a lot stronger than a normal shield (60k hp).

Units equipped with this item can move freely during the deployment phase of every round

This is an aggressive item and it's very good. You can move around your starting units, sell them later and move around your big unit you will get from the unit drop. Being so cheap it's also usable in long range games. You can cheese some rounds without having to make bad deployments.

Upgrading units equipped with this item no longer consumes supplies. Increases the equipped units ATK and DEF by 20%.

Very good item. You can do very broken stuff with this by upgrading a unit every turn and selling it immediately. It's pretty expensive so the game needs to have multiple turns before it will be over. You need to be immediately into giants when you pick this.

The movement speed of units equipped with this item is increased by 5, the ATK is increased by 40%

Very strong item on multiple fast shooting units like mustangs, vulcans etc. Keep in mind that your unit will walk faster. So position accordingly.

The HP of units equipped with this item is increased by 70%

Cheap and really effective. Best on big frontliners; giants, rhino, steel ball or sledges.

The ATK of units equipped with this item is increased by 70%

Very good item. For 50+50 supply you will 1.7x the damage output of a 200-600 supply unit (it's crazy economy if you think about it). I use this most often on an early vulcan or a mustang.

The range of units equipped with this item is increased by 20m

Great with steel balls, hackers, mustangs and what not. Powerhouse on a melting point late game.

Produces 4 Mustangs every 11s

Worst of the production items. I value the other two quite highly but very seldom do I pick this. The biggest thing this item provides is a counter to wasps. So if you are building mass Vulcans with marksmen this is pretty good since you are very vulnerable to wasps. Also sometimes good with Melting Points if you have no other wasp clear.

Repairs damage continuously with nano robots. Units equipped with this item recover 4.5% Max HP per second

One of the big offenders of balance right now. Because of the unit drops you always get a high level guy and you can force the enemy to build a useless Melting Point with this item. It's also very strong early game on lev 2 starting units on round2 for example. Then you can sell the units later and equipet the nano on a high level unit drop. Doesn't stack with Field Maintenance technology.

Units equipped with this item take 30% reduced damage for the first 16s of battle and are immune to electromagnetic, ignition and acid effects

It's cheap, but it's most of the time hard to find value from the photon coating. You need to equip to a unit that will start tanking right away.

Units equipped with this item obtain an energy shield that absorbs damage equal to the unit's HP and can block at least one instance of damage.

Putting this on a single target squad will prompt the enemy to usually build a Melting Point. Best use case is in my opinion leveled Steel Balls, high level crawler or a jump drive wasp, but obviously good on about any unit that has a lot of health. Because it's a shield, the normal buff restrictions of item stacking don't apply, thus it's great on fortified hacker and assault marksmen.

Produces 2 Steel Balls every 16s

Every summoning is good on giants as it protects them. It's good if your giant lives long enough. Try to place it on a giant that has some other purpose for being backline or place it on your winning side if the game is asymmetrical. Bad vs War Factory, very good vs Melting Points.

The HP of units equipped with this item is increased by 150%

Tier S item on steel balls if you happen to have leveled balls already. Not that good on single unit squads since they will be still vulnerable to Melting Points. Best on Sledges, Balls and sometimes on Wraiths if your enemy is trying to counter them with AA Marksmen.

Produces 2 Sledgehammers every 13s

Every summoning is good on giants as it protects them. It's good if your giant lives long enough. Try to place it on a giant that has some other purpose for being backline or place it on your winning side if the game is asymmetrical. Bad vs War Factory, very good vs Melting Points.
Items | Skills | Unit modifications | Specialists
Mechabellum Skills
The usable skills are powerful as you can focus your effort on a small part of the board. Keep in mind that the enemy knows what's coming.

Sprays acid in a straight line. Units affected by the acid suffer reduced DEF and lose 6% HP per second. The acid remains on the field for 2 rounds.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

Not usually good. And if it connects, the enemy can walk around it with mobile beacon next turn.

Creates a large-scale electromagnetic blast that deals 35,000 damage to shields, temporarily desables Tech on hit and reduces movement speed by 40% for 25s.
Cooldown: 4 round(s)

Very good late game shield destroyer as the area of effect is huge. Late game units are full of technologies that this also disables.

Launches an electromagnetic impact shot that deals 35,000 damage to shields, temporarily disables Tech on hit, and reduces movement speed by 40% for 25s.
Cooldown: 2 round(s)

Cheap and low cooldown shield destroyer. It does very little early game, but I often pick it up still because it's so strong later. Early rounds you can slow down their damage and kill off their front line.

Fires multiple incendiary bombs in a straight line to form a wall of fire that deals 350 damage per second.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

Cheap and effective. Usually the enemy shields against it, so the best use for it is to for example flank with an air unit and fire his flank defense. You can combine this with the sticky oil bomb from the tower to burn everything.

Instantly increases the EXP of the designated squad to the maximum value.
Cooldown: 1 round(s)

I dropped this from S to A. The more I play with this card, the worse it seems. It's too much resources if you get it early and if you get it late it's only one upgrade. Mid game it is good. It is still really powerful. I find that leveling mustangs, sledges or hackers is the best use for this. Leveling giants is too much commitment and keeps your board underdeveloped.

Fires an ion beam that moves slowly on the ground, dealing 2,400 continuous damage to units hit by the beam.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

Usually kills 4 enemy shields. Sometimes kills their best units. Sometimes you can't find a good angle for it.

Uses weather control technology to generate a lightning storm at a designated location, inflicting 2,000 damage and slow down 65% in 20 seconds to units hit by the lightning.
Cooldown: 4 round(s)

Kills the entire enemy army. I suggest picking up storm callers or melting point EMP to counter the enemy shields the turn you use this. Don't pick this card too early as it's so expensive that winning an early round doesn't matter that much.

Launches 1 guided missile that deals 3,000 damage.
Cooldown: 2 round(s)

Cheap skill that will win you a round early game. Later you can use it to flank and missile the defender or just thin out some troublesome units where you think there will not be a shield.

Launches 1 tactical nuke that reaches the battlefield in 15s, dealing 70,000 damage.
Cooldown: 4 round(s)

Very expensive and very defendable. It's often hard to find a good angle where you can kill their shields and make sure they are in the allocated location.

Launches 15 guided missiles in a wide target area, dealing 2,500 damage per missile.
Cooldown: 4 round(s)

Very cheap compared to the effect. Best against air units as they can't be shielded.

A high-speed tungsten rod is projected from orbit, dealing 70,000 damage to targets within a range of 30m. The rod cannot be blocked by shields.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

Very strong as it kills lev 1 giants or lev 2 overlords or sometihing like a lev 5 steel ball with item. It's usually very telegraphed where you will be targeting with this, a better player will sell their giant and buy it elsewhere.

Emits a photon coating on all allied forces within a designated area, reducing damage received by 55% for 16s and grants immunity to electromagnetic, ignition and acid effect.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

Very powerful especially on an aggressively deployed board. It's a bit expensive though.

Allows you to move one previously deployed squad each round.

Very strong on chaotic/aggressive boards. Otherwise often a bit useless.

Airdrops a Rhino to attack your enemies.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

It's good but the location is a bit telegraphed and the rhino lev 1 isn't that strong of a unit.

Airdrops an Energy Shield with 50,000 HP to protect allied units within it.
Cooldown: 2 round(s)

Same cost as a normal shield, but you get it multiple times and can drop on enemy side of the map which is useful. Very strong on flanks. I don't always pick it though, as you don't often want a shield on round 2 for example.

Releases smoke in a straight line, reducing the range of units within it by 50%. The smoke lasts for 2 rounds.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

If your opponent doesn't shield against this, it just wins you 2 rounds so it's crazy. But a better player will always protected their ranged units. It's often hard to find an un shielded angle. Good vs aggressive pushes that can't be shielded because the units will be on your side of the map.

Summons an Overlord to attack your enemies.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

Cheap overlord for one turn. Sometimes good if you can get their tower. Keep in mind that a better player might shield both their turrets when they see this in the shop. So not picking it will waste the gold for them. I use it mostly to deal 400 damage on the last turn.

Crawlers will continuously emerge from the designated area.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

Crazy tempo early game and very useful even late game. It summons 2 packs of crawlers and they can't be defended by a missile. You can get the enemy tower easily or just reinforce your fron line.

Vulcan falls from the sky and rains fire upon your enemies.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

If you are trying to snipe the enemy tower, it's easily defended by placing shields on both towers. It's usually better to not pick this and let your enemy defend against it. Sometimes the vulcan is very useful on fights or you need the 400 damage from it to end the game this round.

Summons a group of Wasps to attack your enemies.
Cooldown: 3 round(s)

Power level depends a lot if your enemy has anti-air. It's easily defendable as the most obvious location is in the center of enemy towers. One missile kills the pack.
Items | Skills | Unit modifications | Specialists
Unit modifications
Unit modifications open up a lot of different strategies that are not usually available in the game.

Decrease the recruitment cost of WRAITH by 100, but decreases WRAITH's range by 10, ATK by 15% and HP by 15%

It's a very usable card because of the armor technology and degeneration beam technology.

Fang's ATK increases by 40%, movement speed increased by 3m/s, but range decreases by 15m

Meat shield fangs become too fast with this. But if you are pushing with fangs, this is amazing.

Increases Fortress' ATK by 30%, increases Fortress' HP by 30%, increases Fortress' Speed by 3m/s, but decreases Fortress' range by 10m

This is just a straight upgrade to fortresses as the range is very often just useless.

Melting Point's HP increases by 70%, movement speed increases by 3m/s, but range decreases by 15m

I don't like this much. It makes it easier for enemy melting points to kill your melting points as the range is often a key factor. This however opens up a line where you use melting points as frontline tanks with crawler summoning. It's very niche though.

Increases Vulcan's HP by 40% and movement speed by 3 but decreases range by 10.

I wouldn't want to go into vulcans if I see this card. It is situationally good though. Sometimes you need your vulcan to tank more and the range is sometimes not relevant.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Arclight

Although arclights benefit a lot from levels, it's not a unit you usually want to be building late game.

Able to recruit Lv. 5 Crawler

This makes your crawlers cost 300. Your opponent can just drop 400 costing vulcans to match them. Very risky card as you can't buy cheap crawlers anymore. Also leveled crawlers give huges amounts of XP to your opponent.

Able to recruit Lv. 3 Fang

Good mid game if you are using fangs as damage dealers.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Hacker

Hacker is one of the units that gets a lot better when leveled. This card isn't a path for you to move into hacker. It's only good if hacker is good in the board state.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Marksman

Very strong if marksmen fit the board state. Marksmen are one of the units that benefit a lot from levels because of elite marksman technology.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Mustang

Mustang is one of the best units in the game right now. That's why this card is strong as mustangs have so much utility.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Phoenix

Can be good if you have a giant or a rhino problem.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Rhino

Very strong card. A Rhino level 3 is a powerhouse that requires an immediate answer.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Sledgehammer

Moving this heavy into Sledgehammer is not smart in most cases.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Steel Ball

Not useful usually.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Stormcaller

Not good because the anti-missile device works the same vs lev 1 stormcaller and lev 3 stormcaller. You really don't even want to upgrade storms in this metagame.

Able to immediately recruit Lv. 3 Wasp

Wasps are countered too easily to be this heavily invested into them.

Arclight's range increases by 20m, but ATK decreases by 20%

This card makes your arclight very strong.

Increases Marksman's range by 30m, but decreases Marksman's ATK by 25%

Always a good card if you already have marksmen. Sometimes you want to go into marksmen if you see this card (depends a lot on your play style).

Phoenix' range increases by 20m, but ATK decreases by 20%

If you are already building backline phoenixes this is good. In my opinion, it's not the correct way to play the unit so that's why I don't like this card as I think the range is not as relevant. It is very cheap and range is never a bad thing, though.

Sledgehammer's range icreased by 30m, but HP decreased by 30%

If you already have sledges and the range upgrade available for them, this card will give some interesting strategy options. I wouldn't go into sledges just for this card though.

Stormcaller range increased by 40m, attack reduced by 30%

It can be good vs marksmen for example, but usually you don't need range with stormcallers. Somtimes good with launcher overload so you don't need to tech the range with it.

Vulcan range increases by 20m, ATK increases by 50% but HP decreases by 35%

Vulcan is one of the stronger units in this game and the effect of this card is very good.

Arclight's HP increases by 180%, but range decreases by 15m

Very strong when the enemy is pushing near your base. Just get charged shot on your arclights and they will act as tanks that kill everything.

Hacker's HP increases by 500%, movement speed is increased by 5m/s, but range decreases by 35m

In about 80% of the situations with this card, you can just go hacker frontline with barrier.

Mustang's HP increases by 200%, but range decreases by 20m

Sometimes this card is bait because the range is really important to mustangs. Versus fangs for example, you don't want to go this. The biggest advantage is that mustangs will survive fire a lot longer.

Overlord's HP increases by 75% but ATK decreases by 35%

Good effect if it fits your plan. If I see this, I have no desire to switch into overlords if I wasn't planning on doing it anyway.

The Fortress' HP is increased by 50%, the attack is increased by 30%, and the movement speed is increased by 3m/s, but the recruitment cost is increased by 100.

Ok but not amazing as the cost increase is a lot and it doesn't affect barrier tech or fang summoning.

Increases Melting Points ATK by 50%, HP by 20%, and range by 20 but increases recruitment cost by 100

Very niche card. It's very strong in melting point vs melting point battles because of the range. If you can see the game going in that direction, this is a very strong pick up.

Overlord's ATK increased by 30%, HP increased by 10%, range increased by 20m but the recruitment prize increases by 100

The biggest gain on this card is the range upgrade. It's usually just not worth it because every overlord will cost 100 more.

Increases Phoenix's ATK by 50%, HP by 200%, but increases recruitment cost by 100

It makes your Phoenixes a lot tankier. It's almost always bad, but there are situations like vs fangs, mustangs or wasps it could be useful.

Increases Sledgehammer's ATK by 60%, HP by 60% and movement speed by 3, but increases recruitment cost by 100.

If sledges are good on the board state, this card is very good. It is seldom the case though, as the true power of sledges is in the early game, where giants are not yet unlocked. And if you get this early game, you lose deployments because of the high price.

Increases Steel Ball's ATK by 50%, HP by 30%, movement speed by 3 and the range by 10, but increases recruitment cost by 50.

The range buff is quite good. You can't get this card if either player has steel balls on the field, so usually this card comes too late and you don't want to go into steel balls anymore. The effect is very good for the price if you are going to build steel balls this turn anyway. While I rate it this low, if you get this early enough and the board is right for steel balls, this is very good.

Increases Stormcallers ATK by 50%, HP by 400% and movement speed by 5, but decreases range by 20 and increases recruitment cost by 100.

Not a good card.

Wasp's ATK increases by 50%, HP increases by 50%, range increases by 20m, but recruitment cost increases by 100

You can for sure go carry wasp with this, but you need right techs for it. It also makes overlord mothership to spawn improved wasps.

Increases the experience gain rate of Arclight by 75%

Very good card. Arclights are one of those units that become a power house when highly leveled. Carry arclight is certainly a good option with this card, but don't get too excited if the board is not suitable for them.

Increases the experience gain rate of Marksman by 75%

It's a very good card if you are deep in Marksmen. You shouldn't be deep in Marksmen so that's why I rate it low.

Decreases the recruitment cost of Fortress by 100 but decreases Fortress' ATK by 30% and decreases Fortress' HP by 30%

Depending on the situation and your starting specialist, this can be very good. Fortress' have barrier + fang summoning which makes multiple fortresses very strong.

Decreases the recruitment cost of Overlord by 100, but Overlord range decreases by 10m, ATK decreases by 20%, HP decreases by 20%

You don't want to go too early into mass produced overlords. Later if you have a solid frontline, mass producing overlords can end the game really fast. Couple problem with this card is that they die very rapidly to Fortress anti-missile barrage and missile device specialist sentry missiles.

Decreases the recruitment cost of Phoenix by 100, but Poenix' ATK decreases by 40%, HP decreases by 40%

Situationally strong card. You can play phoenixes with so many different ways with this card. Flank and push with quantum reassembly, use them as backline snipers or just mass them with charged shot behind your frontline.

Decreases the recruitment cost of Rhino by 100, but Rhino's ATK decreses by 30% HP decreases by 30%

One of the best cards of elite specialist. On other specialists, it's situationally strong. Mass produced rhino is a strong flanker and pusher that you can turn into a bomb with final blitz later on.

The recruitment price of the Sledgehammer is reduced by 100, but the ATK is reduced by 30% and the HP is reduced by 30%

Very strong card if you get this early (round 2-3). Using sledgehammers as your cheap frontline will open up many strategies.

Decreases the recruitment cost of Wasp by 100 but decreases Wasp's ATK by 35%, decreases HP by 35%

Depending on the board state, this can be very good or very bad. Good for early jump drive shenanigans and later on good if enemy doesn't have mustangs or multiple fangs.

Every unit Rhino kills increases its ATK by 10% for this round

I think this is the worst card in the game. The idea is probably that is can be good with whirlwind rhinos, as they clear chaff really fast and then they would have lots of damage to kill enemy giants. But that's a theory that doesn't work in practice.

Arclights recruitment price reduced by 50

It's dangerous to mass arclight if your enemy knows what to do. However, if you don't have any and it's early and you need to counter some crawlers, getting even 3 of them gives you good economy with this card.

Decreases the upgrade cost of Crawler by 50

If I have a crawler I want to upgrade this turn, it has already paid it self back. This is so much economy that when I see this card, I wanna go a little bit deeper into crawler. Leveling them for free early game gives you the option to sell them for profit later.

Decreases the recruitment cost of Marksman by 50

It's very good economy but it comes slowly. You can't build too many marksmen too early as the enemy just runs you over.

Mustang recruitment prize is reduced by 50

Mustang is a strong unit and if it looks good on the board state you can build 4-5 of them, so a lot of supply value.

The recruitment price of Steel Ball is reduced by 50

Very solid card. If you are pushing with steel balls, it's great economy. If you are doing something else, you can use the cheaper steel balls as front line and upgrade mechanical division for them.

Recruitment price of Stormcaller is reduced by 50

Very strong unit to mass if the situation is right. 6 stormcallers in a comp is totally acceptable.
Items | Skills | Unit modifications | Specialists
Specialists affect your whole board in a different way. You should focus a lot on economy cards on early rounds.

Increases the number of deployable units per round to 3

I pick this almost every time. Sometimes not with elite or giant specialist. Or when I know I'm going to build expensive units or already have a money sink like intensive training. When you play more, you have a better understanding about your future economy and know when to skip this, but in doubt always pick it.

Obtain 50 supplies for every enemy giant unit destroyed

Very situational but wins you the game on the right spot. "Never" pick this if you don't see giants. I sometimes (very rarely) pick this in advance if my strategy cannot be defeated without giants. Sometimes I pick this vs giant specialist as one unlock for them saves 200 gold and this costs effectively 150 (btw the correct strategy for the giant specialist is to just build giants and not care about the giant hunter but I guess it's hard psychologically). You also need to understand when the game is going to end. There's no point in picking this up too late even if there are 5 giants on the field.

Decreases the recruitment cost of non-giant units by 50

Very strong economy card as it probably gives you back 150 right away.

Increases the damage of Sentry Missile devices by 200%

Not a good card often as a better player thinks about enemy sentry missile placements. Also you don't really want to missile before the last 2-3 rounds. One good use for this card is that now the missiles actually deal good damage to shields. You can force something like an incendiary bomb through by destroying the shield with multiple missiles.

Increases the range of all ranged units by 12m

It's so expensive I feel bad every time I need to pick this up. It's a must have on some types of boards (f.e. the "sniper war" board state or mustang vs mustang.)

Increases the attack of all units by 30%

It's good but not as good as it seems as the game has a lot of overkill and the round outcomes are highly dependant on a certain part of the board where one unit counters another.

Increases the HP of all units by 30%

It's good but not as good as it seems as the game has a lot of overkill and the round outcomes are highly dependant on a certain part of the board where one unit counters another.

Decreases the recruitment cost of giant units by 50

Crazy as giant specialist. Very good on others as well. There's a big benefit in massing giants; barriers and summoning techs.

Increases the strength of shield devices by 40%

Works only on the shields you buy, not barrier techs. You can even start using round 2 or round 3 shields with this as they just won't die.

Decreases the cooldown of all battlefield skills by 1 rounds

Never pick this "for the future". It's very strong if you have lots of cooldowns or just one strong one; f.e. intensive training. I rate it quite low, because the situations where this is the correct pick are rare.

Increases movement speed of all units by 3m/s

Must pick with any kind of rush strategy. Sometimes good in defensive formation against stormcallers.

Reduces the teleportation time required for strike units deployed at the enemy's rear by 50%

Very strong as the deployment delay is often brutal. This showing up will rise your enemy's suspicion of flanks.

Obtain 50 additional supplies per round

Starts profiting in 2 rounds. Always pick this instead of skipping. But there are better cards than this for sure.

Reduces the Tech upgrade cost of all units by 50

Not as strong as it seems at first glance. But it is good. You need to buy 2 technologies to break even. Usually this takes 2-3 rounds.

Starting from the next round, obtain 150 additional supplies per round

Risky. Late game card that takes 3 rounds to profit. It puts a lot of pressure to end the game if one player picks this and the other does not. I pick this up if the battles are very even and there aren't much damage (giants) on board. I sometimes pick it also if i'm 5% hp and my enemy is 100% if it seems it is the only thing that will make me win the game if I somehow survive the next 2 turns. If you have hard time to decide if this is worth, usually very good round 4, ok on round 5, round 6+ don't pick.
Further reading

Mechabellum Unit Tier List
Mechabellum is a fairly balanced game. Every unit has situations where they are the correct choice to buy. Some units…
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Mechabellum Starting Specialist Guide
This list is a bit outdated but I have a youtube video about the specialists (27 september 2024). So watch…
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Mechabellum Unit Counter List
This Mechabellum counter list is updated almost daily and is maintained by a high mmr player. You can find Mechabellum…
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