Mechabellum Phantom Ray Guide
All units Phantom RayPhantom Ray
How to play Phantom Ray
The Phantom Ray serves as a frontline for your air army. The Phantom Ray is good damage medium sized units like sledges, steel balls etc. and good vs rapidly shooting units like mustang (because of armor technology). I would only build this unit to brick enemy mustangs by teching the armor technology. This will give a free round and a big problem for your enemy do deal with. After you brick the mustangs, the enemy will counter it will marksmen or phoenix and you can tech the shield technology for them to counteract this.
The Phantom Ray has extremely diverse tech pool and can serve as a huge damage dealer also. I don't think it's good to start the unit that way but once you have them on board with armor, you always have the opportunity to build 3 more and use them as damage later on in the game.
Mechabellum Phantom Ray counter
Don't overcommit into fast shooting units too early so you don't get owned by the armor. Countering them depends a lot on which technologies they click. Early on low amounts of Marksmen and Phoenix are a good choice. You just need to win the chaff war. If the enemy is actually massing them the best option is just to go Overlords or Anti-air wasps. Multi melter or just a regular melter with energy absorption is also a solid choice if you get it from the unit drop. If the enemy has no damage apart from the Phantom Rays you might want to go into missile interception mustangs.
Phantom Ray Builds
Listed below are all some highlighted Phantom Ray builds.
Surrey's Phantom Ray build
Phantom Ray Technologies
Listed below are all available technologies for Phantom Ray, their viability and how to use them.