Mechabellum Stormcaller Guide

All units Stormcaller
Mechabellum Stormcaller

Used against

Arclight Arclight
Fang Fang
Melting Point Melting Point
Vulcan Vulcan
Mustang Mustang
Marksman Marksman
Fortress Fortress
Scorpion Scorpion
Typhoon Typhoon

Countered by

Overlord Overlord
Phoenix Phoenix
Stormcaller Stormcaller
Crawler Crawler
Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
Rhino Rhino
War Factory War Factory
Sabertooth Sabertooth

How to play Stormcaller

If unopposed, Stormcallers are one of the best units in the game. They melt down all low hp units like fangs and mustangs and they are also great against slow or stationary targets like giants, sledge hammers, marksmen and arc lights. They are also one of the best unit to bring down enemy shields. Thus they counter almost everything. They get heavily countered by the missile interceptor device (and missile interception technologies) and it's a delicate balance to know when and how many Stormcallers you should buy.

In early game, it's totally acceptable to buy 2-4 packs or Stormcallers. You should fear anti-missile devices or War Factory Anti-missile tech coming down so, don't go more into them, think twice about leveling them and never put items on them.

When approaching late game, don't base all your chaff clear on storms since you will lose a big round when the AM technologies/devices come down.

What prompts me to use Stormcallers most often is enemy placing multiple fangs in front of his units and him having a fairly slow board all together; sledges, giants, fangs, etc.

Mechabellum Stormcaller counter

If there a only a couple of stormcallersm they can be heavily countered by anti-missile devices, but they are risky to build early as you lose a lot of economy if they are destroyed. Late game you should mass them against Stormcallers.

If the enemy has crazy amounts of Stormcallers or multiple high leveled or teched ones, consider going War Factories with the Missile Interception technology.

Cost efficiently, Stormcallers can be distracted with a couple packs of crawlers running around taking all the missiles will grant your other units time to move forward unharmed (or for your shields to survive). You can also put one crawler in the middle of the board an mobile beacon it to move side ways (you can beacon half of the crawlers only so they don't die to one sentry missile). Building the one round speed upgrade also helps a lot. Sledgehammer is a good starting unit vs storm callers. They struggle a bit early but once you get Field Maintenance or Mechanical Rage and level 2 on them, they keep going without dying.

Stormcaller Builds

Listed below are all some highlighted Stormcaller builds.

Surrey's Stormcaller build

Electromagnetic Explosion
Incendiary Bomb
Launcher Overload
High-Explosive Ammo

The Stormcaller is not a unit you want to tech heavily. I usually go zero or only one tech on them. High-Explosive ammo is usually my first one since it clear chaff (even crawlers) very reliably, it's cheap and you have the option to commit into crawlers since there is no fire. I sometimes go EMP against Diffraction Melting points. Incendiary bomb is usually for late game if the enemy starts summoning fangs or I need to ignite an Oil patch to win the game on one round. Launcher Overload is only against anti-missile devices and technologies. Sometimes you can fight them if you pair your storms with for example launcher overloaded Overlords.

Stormcaller Technologies

Listed below are all available technologies for Stormcaller, their viability and how to use them.

Incendiary Bomb

Incendiary Bomb

The unit's attack will ignite an area of 5.5m radius for 15s, dealing 350 damage per second. Allied forces are vulnerable to this damage

supply cost

You don't always use this tech, but when it's good, it wins the game or gives a huge advantage. It's very beneficial to ignite an Oil patch from far away or counter shielded fangs and huge amounts of crawlers. Big cost to get intercepted though,

Electromagnetic Explosion

Electromagnetic Explosion

Causes electromagnetic interference on hit, temporarily disabling the target unit's Tech and reducing its movement speed by 40%

supply cost

The EMP from the Stormcaller is very good since it has long range and splash damage, but unfortunately when you need the EMP, you REALLY need it. And this can get intercepted. It's good vs all sorts of things like War Factory, Multi-Defraction Melting point, Mechanical Division Steel Balls, etc.

Armor-Piercing Bullets

Armor-Piercing Bullets

ATK increases by 100%, attack interval increases by 15%

supply cost

Never ever tech this. It will make your Stormcallers more easily interceptable.

Launcher Overload

Launcher Overload

Stormcaller's attack interval is reduced by 50%, range is reduced by 40m, and movement speed is increased by 5m/s

supply cost

It's good vs missile intercept technologies.

Range Enhancement

Range Enhancement

Increases attack range by 40m

supply cost

Usually a do nothing technology since the Storms have a long range already and it makes your next tech too much of a commitment into a unit that can be intercepted. The best counter to Stormcallers is to distract them with crawlers etc. So they seldom benefit from the range. It can be good though, depending on how the enemy plays and I definitely use the range upgrade in many games. Just don't be too eager to get. Best paired with Launcher overload, but it's risky to invest into storms that much.

High-Explosive Ammo

High-Explosive Ammo

Increases splash damage range by 5m, but reduces ATK by 40%

supply cost

Cheap technology that increases your chaff clear by a lot. Makes the Storms ok against crawlers and instantly deletes all fangs. It's also beneficial to have against Sledgehammers and Steel Balls but they are not a reason why you should tech this.

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Written by Surrey

Surrey is known also as the RAT. High mmr player with an interesting playstyle. He makes YouTube-videos regularly and sometimes streams on Twitch

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