Mechabellum Steel Ball Guide
All units Steel Ball
Steel Ball
How to play Steel Ball
Steel Balls are quite vulnerable as starting units as they are heavily countered by a free Scorpion unit drop.
As a reactionary unit they shine a lot. They can provide a good frontline to your backline damage dealers or even tank for your late crawlers.
Use Steel Balls against big single targets like Melting Points, Typhoons, etc.
Once they get some levels and items they are pretty much unstoppable. And once the enemy thinks they can finally kill them, go photon emission Overlord to boost them even more.
Mechabellum Steel Ball counter
Steel balls can be played and countered in many different ways. The most universal option is Scorpion. An early scorpion will stop the leveling of the steel balls making it so they don't get out of hand. You can also use Overlords with Ground Cannon or Launcher Overload, Hackers or Arclights with charged shot. You can also slow them down with a Degenerate Beam Wraith. The Wraith is in general good against other units a player might have paired up with his Steel Balls.
If the enemy is deployed aggressively, you can use sentry missiles to kill steel balls that are about to level in early rounds. You can do this by placing the missiles on top of your tower so it won't trigger to the crawlers in front of the balls.
If defending against a steel balls push, you can deploy fangs vertically in front of your tower so that all the enemy balls will gather around and then you blast them with 2 packs of storm callers (this is what I do most often)
Phoenix work well if you can connect to them fast enough. If the steel balls level, you need charged shot tech. Keep in mind you need enough chaff clear to connect to the Steel Balls.
Steel Balls are often paired with Wraiths that are strong against crawlers. If this is not the case, overwhelming them with crawlers is an easy option.
Vulcan with damage technology or damage item is also a good option (your vulcan needs to be the same level as the balls for it to not become risky)
Steel Ball Builds
Listed below are all some highlighted Steel Ball builds.
Surrey's Steel Ball build

If you are pushing with Steel Balls and beaconing them to the enemy towers, the first technology should most often be Energy Absorption (if you can connect to something). If you are building Steel Balls as a reactionary unit against Giants, you should always go range first. Mechanical division is good if you have the Steel Ball production line item, a producing War factory or if you are just into Steel Balls and the enemy has really bad crawler clear. Armor is good against mustangs, and building Wasps behind the Steel Balls might force your enemy into the Mustangs you can then hard counter with Armor.
Steel Ball Technologies
Listed below are all available technologies for Steel Ball, their viability and how to use them.
Armor Enhancement

The effect increases with unit level, reducing damage received by 60 per level. Additionally, increases HP by 35%.

Armor is good against mustangs, and building Wasps behind the Steel Balls might force your enemy into the Mustangs you can then hard counter with Armor.
Heavy Target

Decrease range by 10m, when switching target, lock-on priority is given to the unit with the highest HP in range.

It sounds good on paper, but in a real game, it never really works out. Pretty good with the High Range Steel Ball card you can get, but it's too much of a niche situation to equip this.
Energy Absorption

Increases HP by 40% and converts damage dealt to HP

When your steel balls start to get lev 3+ early on, this tech will make them carry the game. Best against Giants and Barriers. Pair this with photon boats to make your Balls invincible.
Damage Sharing

Chains adjacent steel balls together, increasing HP by 120% and sharing damage received equally between them

Risky. It's better on steel balls than on sledge hammer for sure, and paired with the life leech, it is sometimes really good. Usually as a surprise for the last turn. I still wouldn't equip it though.
Mechanical Division

Destroyed Steel Balls create 5 level 1 Crawlers to continue fighting

Must have tech in my opinion. Having it available requires the opponent to prepare for it. And if he doesn't it will give you an out to win the game. Mechanical division is good if you have the Steel Ball production line item, a producing War factory or if you are just into Steel Balls and the enemy has really bad crawler clear. Also really strong with subsidized steel ball card.
Range Enhancement

Increases attack range by 40m

It's a good late game tech overall and it's pretty good vs giants. Good vs hackers and rhinos (tech this vs whirlwind or final blitz rhino so your balls don't die).